Recreational Fences – What A Tennis Court Needs

Tennis courts are one of many types of playing fields that require some sort of recreational fencing around them to contain balls and keep the game confined to an allotted space.

While chain link is a common fence choice for tennis courts, it is far from the only appropriate fence for this use.

Fence height and layout should also be considered when hiring a recreational fence contractor to install a tennis enclosure.

The Importance of Appearance

Appearance is very important when choosing recreational fences for tennis courts.

Ideally, the fence should be as subtle or invisible as possible to avoid affecting player view of the ball.

This can be achieved various ways by altering fence height, style, and materials.

Different Heights

Tennis court recreational fencing can be installed at different heights depending on the facility and the overall skills of the players who will be using the court.

A full-size 6 or 8-foot fence is more secure and better when beginners may be playing, but what many consider to be too tall for more experienced players less likely to send a ball over the fence.

In these cases, shorter recreational fences around 4 feet or so are usually acceptable.

Types of Fences

Chain link, especially green or black PVC-coated chain link, is the most popular fencing installed by recreational fencing contractors as it will blend in easily when the court is surrounded by grass, but it is not the only fencing that can be used.

Closely spaced metal bar recreational fencing is also commonly used as are wooden or PVC privacy fencing in either plain or decorative styles.

Even fancier fences like decorative half-walls with mesh top fencing can be installed.

Any of these options can be chosen according to the degree of privacy desired, the ability to blend into the surroundings, and the desired height to cater to most players.

Consider Enclosure Layouts

Additionally, when deciding on recreational fencing types and heights, also consider enclosure layouts.

While a fully surrounded court is pretty standard, experienced players may prefer fencing only along the back of the court and in the corners to keep things more open and airy.

Multiple courts can be either individually fenced or enclosed with a single fence around them all.

As simple an idea as putting recreational fencing around a tennis court may seem, making the right choice involves looking at a variety of factors first.

The best recreational fences will work for the caliber of players using the court and be easily maintained, while also looking attractive in its surroundings.

Reno Your Kitchen in the Right Order!

When doing a kitchen reno, good planning is a must.

It is essential to know ahead of time what will be done, how it will be done, and in what order the kitchen redesign will happen.

Doing things in the right order is essential to the end result, and ensuring your kitchen makeover turns out as beautifully as you foresee it to.

What Are The Steps Taken in a Kitchen Upgrade?

After hiring a skilled kitchen redesign contractor to handle the kitchen reno and doing all the pre-planning, expect the job to be completed in different steps, each one in specific order to make the whole job easier, and more efficient:

  • Demolition - Every kitchen makeover starts with the removal of appliances and fixtures, and the demolition of the tearing out of old cabinets, walls, floors, and anything else being changed.
  • Rough Framing and Plumbing - Before any new components can be added back, rough framing that positions everything, and any new plumbing must be put in. Rough framing acts as a sort of preliminary sketch of what the finished space will be like.
  • Professional Inspection of Rough-In Work - The rough framing and new plumbing must undergo a professional inspection to ensure the modifications meet the local building code. All required corrections should be made at this stage.
  • Wall Finishing - Once the inspection has been done and contractors have the go-ahead to finish the makeover, it is time to put in any new walls where they belong, then finish with moldings, paint, light switch covers, etc.
  • Install Windows and Doors - New windows and doors are installed, or existing ones replaced, over the newly finished walls.
  • Install Cabinets and Fixtures - Cabinets, countertops, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, and any other components also get installed after the walls are finished.
  • Install Appliances - After cabinets and countertops are added it is time to put in the new appliances in the roughed-in spaces left for them.
  • Install Flooring - After all other stages of the kitchen makeover have been completed, the last step of a kitchen upgrade is to put in the new flooring. Doing the floors last ensures that it will not be damaged by paint or moving appliances around, and can be viewed as the finishing touch.

Following a practical, step-by-step order such as this, contractors can complete a kitchen reno from start to finish quickly, without creating extra work and without the possibility of scuffing or damaging new components.

Once the floors are installed and polished, the time to finally enjoy your new kitchen will have arrived!